Our Activities

Decembar 28, 2019

Danas je novogodisnji- bozicni, decji karavan kao i pre petnaest godina krenuo iz Gnjilana. mesta gde je 2002 godine osnovana humanitarna organizacija “Decja radost”Gnjilane.

October 6, 2019

Dear Friends and Donors;

In September of this year, I visited the “NURDOR” Organization.  I was beyond impressed with the people and their program. 

I deposited $3000.00 from SDS into NURDOR’s bank account. 

You can find information about NURDOR, receipts of deposits, and their “thank you” cards to S.D.S.

Our next project is to again send $2000 as a Christmas gift to our sister organization “Decja Radost” in Gnjilane. 

They will again use this money to buy and distribute Christmas gifts to the children of KiM Pomoravje. 

These may be the only gifts these children receive this holiday season.  This Christmas caravan to KiM is a most special

event, and we are grateful and blessed to be able to provide it again this year, and pray we will again in the years to come.

We at SDS, are asking for your continued and new donations so we can continue to and increase our support of projects and programs like NURDOR and Decja Radost. 

I cannot adequately express how much your generosity of heart and financial assistance means to these programs. 

Without you, these programs cannot continue to support these children, many of whom have no other means of assistance.

We wish you all the best this holiday season and always,

Miodrag Nikolic, President

September 22, 2020


Working with Subotica’s schools Sonja Marinkovic, Jovan Mikic and Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj, this year, we organized (for the 12th time) the action named “TO THE JOY OF KOSMET CHILDREN” – together in school benches, which lasted from September 6 to September 15 in Subotica.

This action brought 44 children from Kosmet to the above three schools and their piers, attending classes, and engaging in “out of school activities”, where the hosts and guests  together visited the temple of Our Lord’s rising, the Zoo at Palic, The Town house. the Synagogue, another school of the piers in Apatin named Ivan Goran Kovacic.

During the Kosmet’s children stay in Subotica they were visited by Mile Nikolic, representing the organization Save Displaced Serbs and the key sponsor of this year’s action.

UG “Decja Radost” – Gnjilane

Stojadina Trajica bb





September 13, 2019

“Deci Kosmeta s osmehom, zajedno u skolskim klupama” Subotica 2019 Prvi dan.


September 12, 2019

Dear Sirs,

With warmest greetings, it is our pleasure to inform you that NVO Joy Gnjilane, engaged in programs of Material and psychosocial support for children living in Kosovo Metohija will organize the 12th gathering in the school benches in Subotica 2019 with participation of both Serbian children Subotica and Serbian children from Kosovo Metohija

This year’s event will take place from Sept6 to Sept.15 in Subotica. The event is composed of 45 children from Kosovo Metohija and their schoolmates from the schools Sonja Marinkovic, Jovan Jovanovnovic Zmaj an school Jovan Mikic to attend classes together as well as after-school activities. This a most unique for the children from Kosovo Metohija to be in friendly surrounding with their classmates- and for a short time at least forget the brutalities they see every day.

This is an ongoing annual event made possible by donations from people of good will, whom we salute and thank.

Gnjilane Joy
Zoran Maksimovic


Our wonderful staff heading up the 12th gathering in the school benches in Subotica 2019 with participation of both  Serbian children from Subotica and Serbian children from Kosovo and Metohija.



Early in the morning we are going with kids from Kosovo and Metohija to camp Friendship School,(Our Serbia)-“NASA SRBIJA” camp on mountain Tara.

UG “Decja Radost” – Gnjilane

Dear sponsors,
SDS, (us) is helping our sister organization, and on your behalf, we had sent US$2,000.00 for Subotica to be visited September of this year.

This report is for Vidovdan, when the children of Kosovo and Metohija were visited by friends and parents from Subotica.

Read on, to learn in short, what is it that we are engaged in, and how well spent your money is. We ask that you keep sending your donations as to enable us to continue such work.

Mile Nikolic


Friends of the organization “Children’s Joy” Gnjilane from Subotica and Titel visited Kosovo and Metohija, met their wonderful hosts from villages: Pasjane, Gornji Livoc, Parte, Pones, Silovo, Kmetovce, and Babin Most on June 28, 2019, and together with their guests visited the Gracanica Monastery, attended Holly Liturgy, and in the end visited Gazimestan. At the village of Babinom Mostu, brothers Petrovic organized a luncheon for all their guests. During the late afternoon they visited the the Monastery Draganac. After the sleepless night, and tired from the trip the guests visited village of Veliko Ropotovo and attended festivities of St. Vitus dances (Vidovdanske Igre).

June 29th the hard working hosts organized a day trip with their friends visiting Monastaries: Pecka Patrijarsija, Visoki Decani, Bogorodicu Ljevisku, Prizren Theoloty Seminary and returned in the evening hours.

June 30 After lunch the highly impressed guests starting returning to their homes. With this visit our friends from the North and their Southern hosts vowed to continue the similar get-together within this frame (12th in a row) “To the children from KiM with smile together in the school benches of Subotica September 2019.

Dear friends,

Please visit our Facebook page where you will find much more pictures posted about this years caravan and distribution of presents to KiM children from our donation of $2,000 which we sent to our sister organization “DECJA RADOST” – Gnjilane.

Please donate as much as you can afford in order that we can do these good deeds again in the future.

Karavan Silovo, Gnjilane 2019

Bez komentara uzivajte u ovom dogadjaju dece sa K.I.M.!!!

Deci Kosmeta s osmehom zajedno u skolskim klupama. Subotica 2018

Saljem vam pozdrave iz Subotice. Ove godine smo doveli  čedrdeset troje dece u pratnju četri pratioca i slikara sa Kosova u Suboticu.

Zadovoljstvo mi je da se u ime dece, domacina i dece  sa Kosmeta , njihovih roditelja  zahvalim Vama i prijateljima SDS na pomoc oko organizovanja ove pleminite akcije.

Od novca koji ste nam donirali nabavili smo majice za decu sa obelezjem akcije  na prednjem delu a na rukavima je logotip SDS na jednom i Decja radost na drugom rukavu. Tako da ce deca i pratioci ovih deset dana  u majicama predstavljati nasu organizaciju u ovom gradu. U okviru nase akcije je i manifestacija “Zavicajni dani”gde ce mnoga udruzenja prezentovati svoj zavičaj.

Mi smo uspeli da sa Kosova dopremimo rukotvorine sa lepo tkanom narodnom ornamentikom  bosci, delove nase nosnje, kao i  slike naseg slikara Gvozdena Antica sa motivima Kosovskih predela. Imacemo promociju zbirke pesama “Kaljavi opanci”. U sredu nas posecuje Nada, vlasnica Mone sa estradnim umetnicima i orkestrom RTS koje je ona organizovala i platila.

Zoran Munja.

Decja Radost


Podela pomoci u Junu 2018 godine

Organizaciji Decja Radost Mile Nikolic ce uruciti pomoc na Vidovdan kada ce ih licno posetiti u Gnjilanima.

Molimo za vase priloge!!! Molimo pomozite!!! Hvala na odzivu unapred!!!

Posle ove posete ostace nam u banci samo $5.000 koje moramo imati kao minimum da ne placcamo bankarske troskove.

Priloge posaljite na nasu adresu:

72 Saddlebow Road

Takodje sada preko nase internet stranice mozete poslati priloge i putem kredit kartice:

Spisak porodica kojima ce biti podeljena pomoc.

Please see some of our activities in 2011:

• Young guy without hands got his pension 
• Srbs in California, humanity without limits 
• For healthier children’s hearts 
• Serbs from America bought tractor for Pera 
• Dollars arrived for used tractor

Serbs from America bought tractor for Pera

After writing by „Novosti“, Srbs from America fulfilled Pera Milosavljevic’s great wish. The money with which this brave boy’s wish was fulfilled was collected by Dule Obradović. Pera Milosavljević (17), smiling like the most beautiful day, sits behind the weel and turns the key. The machine, although much older than Pera, responds by even, good-humored buzzing, as they tumbled the ground for years on the crest of woody Jastrebac.
Three or four days ago, it arrived from tribal village Rataje into Velika Lomnica as a gift from Serbs from Los Angeles, participating “Spasimo Decu Srbije” organization. Miodrag-Mile Nikolic, born in Sabac, came to Velika Lomnica on 10th September and passed the greetings from his friend Dule Obradovic, who gained dollars and purchase of needed mechanization world-wide.

– I felt the great faith in people, a new kind of strength, a wish to maintain and succeed in ancestral hearthstone-says Pera delightedly .I am on a horse, says and goes on his tractor. The machine enters the garage under his command.
In the circle of goodness, bikers from Novi Sad gave 200 euro to Pera to repair the roof on the house. He shows his gratefulness to Mrs. Drenka from Belgrade who also delighted him by money package. His guardian, Bojan, is searching for good people these days who would drive metal door from Lapovo by empty car, for Pera’s home, and the door are gained by Milorad Mile Nikolic. The manager of Rubin hotel, Krusevac, Aleksandar Braga, would give furniture so his home won’t be empty anymore.
A boy, according to years, but an old man according to courage and persistence, decided not to give up, but to show how life can be miracle, thanks to the support of good people. There are cousins, The Milosavljevics family, uncle Dragan, his older son Bojan (the guardian of Pera), Boban junior, friends Igor Mitic, Zoran Stevancevic. They all congratulate to their young countryman and praise the human writings of “Novosti” journal. They share unhidden happiness with Pera.
– When Bojan suggested that you should report about my life story, I wasn’t shure if people should know about my troubles. I thought I should be quiet and wage until I finish school, and after that to buy some second-hand tractor by credit. Uncle Dragan, the father of Bojan, persuaded me, and he is also the brother of my dead father. He is a faithful reader of “Novosti” jurnal. He listed the names of many troubled people who gained help by your journal and changed their lives forever.

All people participated in seeking a tractor for sale. The conditions were that it must be well-working and according to the collected amount of dollars. After little bit of dickering, they managed to collect 30 euro more and make a dill with the seller. Pera said it was the greatest holyday of his whole life. Hi father passed away when he was 3. His mother was set to gerontology Center as very ill patient. Pera attends the 3rd year of High construction school in Krusevac, to become assembler. He believes he will be successful in this business. He will cultivate his little property and earn a little bit of money.

By Zorica Avramović
Go to: http://www.srpskadijaspora.info/vest.asp?id=16150


Decija Radost



